And then I went on vacation to Richmond Virginia to see my Gary and he was finishing up his business there and coming home. This was one of the streets in the old section full of mostly pubs and restaurants, but very nice with that small town feel to it.
While away I started thinking about Gary being back home with me and what is it that I wanted in my life that I didn't have. My blog was one thing for sure and yet I don't seem to want to go through all the frustration of figuring out how to get all the bells and whistles. I decided that the bells and whistles are not as important as the art itself or the journaling of feelings that we as bloggers sometimes need to put out there. So, I also decided to forget the extras, keep it simple and just post what I'm working on, which quite frankly is art and figuring out my true passion. It's amazing you can get to be 62 and still not know what your passion is. I mean I like art a lot, really a lot, but I don't get really excited too often unless I'm looking at someone elses. And so it makes me wonder.
Well, following this post you will see I got busy and decided to participate in as many swaps as I could get done. I think I did enough for 3 swaps, a gift and a collaged mitten for a swap that is up and coming. I'm ahead of that game for now. My next project is to get out the canvas and work on a piece for a show. No more info there.
I can see that all my blogger friends have been busy creating and it just was driving me crazy that I wasn't, so thank you all for the motivation, inspiration and getting me in my studio.
I didn't even see the post that said you were thinking of quitting - and I am glad that you changed your mind. I think it's difficult to choose just one thing - particularly if you have an aptitude in many - which you do. Just having a venue(or many) for creative expression is a satisfying and necessary thing for all people, I think. And you ask questions on your blog that really resonate with me, and I am sure, with other readers.