At last, I have finished my chair and even though it was my first upholstery job and is not perfect I am so proud of how it came out. I even managed to buy enough trim. Usually I am about 2 inches short.
It's hard to see that there is a pattern on it, but it is white on white. I probably won't let anyone sit in it for at least 3 days!!.
I've been working through some personal issues and trying to refocus my attentions but it is difficult at the moment. Usually when I'm in that kind of emotional state nothing comes out like I like it to. An example was I tried a painting, but I can't even show it. Oh well, maybe some day I'll paint over it and it will be a masterpiece.
So here is the chair. So proud.
Chair $10.00 - Auction
Fabric from Alfreds's Fabrics, 2 yards @ sale price of $10.00 yd,
Trim from JoAnnes Fabrics, 9 yards @ $2.00 yd.
Total chair minus my labor = $48.00 if I did the math right. That is usually questionable.
Estimates for re-upholstery were upwards of $500. plus fabric. See what we cann do when we set our minds to it?